Sujan Hajra - Author at VCCircle

Sujan Hajra

Direct benefit transfer: Not a panacea, but a likely game changer


07 February, 2013

Direct benefit transfer: Not a panacea, but a likely game changer

After 201 years of modern banking, India opened 140 million unique bank accounts by 2006. The bank-led, business-correspondent (BC)-aided financial ......

Indian healthcare: Big, bad and cheap


25 October, 2012

Indian healthcare: Big, bad and cheap

Despite India being one of world’s largest healthcare markets and pharmaceuticals exporters, the country’s health statistics are among the worst ......

Indian households shun banks


17 September, 2012

Indian households shun banks

At 30 per cent of disposable income, savings rate of the Indian households rivals even China. Interestingly, it has held ......

GDP: Growth at decadal low


03 September, 2012

GDP: Growth at decadal low

Investment a curmudgeonIndia’s real GDP growth has nose-dived to 5.3% in 4QFY12 from 9.2% in 4QFY11, following a sharp dip ......

Policy paralysis: A symptom, not the disease


13 August, 2012

Policy paralysis: A symptom, not the disease

Despite widespread perception that lack of policy actions is leading to India’s sharp economic descend, the country’s performance continues to ......