Nic Brisbourne - Author at VCCircle

Nic Brisbourne

A note on contrarian investing


26 April, 2013

A note on contrarian investing

Fred Wilson has a post up this morning title Return and Ridicule which talks about the dangers of herd investing. ......

Emotional e-commerce: The next wave of e-commerce


11 April, 2013

Emotional e-commerce: The next wave of e-commerce

Jason Goldberg, Founder and CEO at Fab wrote an interesting post earlier this week titled . For the historians amongst ......

Twitter ad revenues forecast to near $1B in 2014


01 April, 2013

Twitter ad revenues forecast to near $1B in 2014

I have been wondering lately how Twitter was getting on. Anecdotally people and companies seem to be getting more and ......

Bitcoin – the future of money?


11 March, 2013

Bitcoin – the future of money?

I’ve been watching the progress of Bitcoin with increasing interest for a year or two now and I’m a bit ......

Your fundraising strategy depends on whether your startup is hot


04 February, 2013

Your fundraising strategy depends on whether your startup is hot

I spoke at a workshop this morning where most of the participants were CEOs and founders of early stage startups. ......

Will there be a Series A crunch in Europe?


07 January, 2013

Will there be a Series A crunch in Europe?

The coming Series A crunch is perhaps the hottest topic of conversation in US tech circles at the moment and ......

The problem with indispensable employees


17 December, 2012

The problem with indispensable employees

Rand Fishkin, one of the better thinker/bloggers out there on startup culture in the connected age, put up a great ......

London ranked best startup ecosystem in Europe


26 November, 2012

London ranked best startup ecosystem in Europe

A new report out from the Startup Genome and Telefonica Digital ranks London as the seventh best startup ecosystem in ......

Great to see Facebook succeeding on mobile


25 October, 2012

Great to see Facebook succeeding on mobile

As you may have seen Facebook announced their Q3 results, revealing 14% of their ad revenues came from mobile. This ......

Tips for building a minimum viable product


06 September, 2012

Tips for building a minimum viable product

The developer behind Appbot – a service for app developers who want their app store reviews and features in their ......