Dhiraj Kacker
GoogleMaps, here's how you can help India's GDP
Anyone who has lived in India knows that we waste a ton of time in giving and taking directions. I ......
Grokking India: High fixed cost per transaction
This blog post is really worthy only of a tweet since the core lesson is simple and either you grok ......
Apple vs Google: vertical integration vs crowd-sourcing
I am a big fan of both Apple and Google and from the distance see two very different DNAs that ......
Why a telecom company can revolutionise payments in India
Airtel Money is the first time in 5 years that I have truly become excited about a payment solution for ......
Why I Don't Believe In COD
Payments systems (or lack of them) are a very big problem for India e-commerce and as much as COD is ......
Distribution Is King. Much More So In India
The easiest way to tell if a PE/VC investor has earned their chops in India or in the west is ......
Accounting For Cost Of Collections In LTV
In an earlier post I had talked about a key difference between developed and developing economies being that startups ......
Building a Brand by Building Trust
One of the biggest challenges faced by any startup in any part of the world is earning customer trust ......
What Is The Closest Landmark?
As India's GDP grows, per capita GDP, and by extension per capita output, will also grow. At 1/15th the ......
Start-ups In India Must Tackle Hidden Costs
It has now been more than three years since Canvera has taken off and we have evolved into a 500-strong ......