Vikas Sharma will replace Tarun Jotwani, as the country head for India. Nomura, the Japanese investment bank took over the Asia operations, including the India team, of the US investment bank Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., after it went bankrupt in September, last year. Jotwani who has been heading the India operations of Nomura following the take over, has now shifted to Tokyo.
Nomura has also announced six other senior appointments for its non Japan Asia investment banking team. Among the six newly appointed, are two ex JP Morgan employees. Neeraj Hora has been appointed as managing director, head of equity-linked solutions. Before joining Lehman Brothers, Hora handled convertible bonds and structured equity derivative transactions for JP Morgan in New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo.
Apurva Choudhary, who has also served at JP Morgan previously, has joined Nomura as executive director, head of power and utilities investment banking, based in Singapore. He has worked as head of regional power and utilities at JP Morgan, covering Asia.
Nomura has also appointed Marc Benton as the managing director, head of natural resources investment banking, Shaheryar Chishty as managing director, head of industrial investment banking, Robert Chiu as managing director, head of telecommunications, media and technology (TMT) investment banking and Mark Bendall as executive director, head of metals and mining investment banking.
Nomura is a financial services group and an Asia based investment bank. Based in Tokyo, Nomura has regional headquarters in Hong Kong, London, and New York and employs about 26,000 people worldwide.