VCCEdge has released its Monthly Deal Update for January 2012.
Highlights -
Private Equity:
- Private Equity investments in Januaryâ 12 increased 26% to $684 million as compared to $541 million in Januaryâ 11.
- Growth capital/late stage investments increased significantly from $429 million to $646 million.
- The Average deal amount increased from $14 million to $23 million.
- The Median deal amount remained unchanged between Januaryâ 11 and Januaryâ 12.
- Private equity deals under $50 million accounted for 70% of total deal volume in Januaryâ 12.
- Big-ticket deals ($100m +) accounted for 35% of the total capital invested during the month.
- Private equity exits declined steeply to a mere $9 million as against the $565 million worth of exits in Januaryâ11.
Mergers & Acquisitions:
- M&A value declined in Januaryâ 12 with 47 deals worth $1.22 billion as compared to 56 deals worth $4.21 billion in Januaryâ 11.
- The month recorded 27 domestic deals worth $527 million, followed by 11 inbound deals valued at $295 million and 8 outbound deals valued at $8 million.
- The Median deal size dropped 4x from $20 million in Januaryâ 11 to $5 million in Januaryâ 12.
- The Average deal size reduced 34% from $132 million to $87 million during the same period.
- Deals under $50 million accounted for 21.27% of total deal volume, with big ticket deals ($100 million +) accounting for another 6%.
- Big ticket deals ($100 million +) accounted for 87.74% of the total disclosed M&A deal value in the month.
Report Contents
II. Private Equity
Private Equity Investments
- Overview
- Deal Type Analysis
- Sector Analysis
- Top 5 Private Equity Investments
Private Equity Exits
- Overview
- Deal Type Analysis
- Sector Analysis
- Top 5 Private Equity Exits
III. Mergers & Acquisitions
- Overview
- Deal Type Analysis
- Sector Analysis
- Top 5 Mergers & Acquisitions
Publication Date: January 7, 2012
Format: Pdf
Price: Rs. 1,299/- (Plus 10.3% Service Tax)
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