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Amit Soni

CVC Capital in partnership with Indian agrochem veteran for chemical bets


22 February, 2024

CVC Capital in partnership with Indian agrochem veteran for chemical bets

European private equity firm CVC Capital, which recently closed its sixth Asia-focussed investment vehicle raising 50% more ($6.8 billion) than ......

CVC Capital Partners now bats for Ahmedabad IPL franchise


25 October, 2021

CVC Capital Partners now bats for Ahmedabad IPL franchise

Private equity firm CVC Capital Partners made its first sports debut in India by successfully bidding and winning the Ahmedabad ......

It will be difficult for payment banks to grow profitably in the first few years, say panelists at Techcircle Payments Forum


20 May, 2016

It will be difficult for payment banks to grow profitably in the first few years, say panelists at Techcircle Payments Forum

The yet-to-launch payment banks need to monetise the data on customers at the bottom of the pyramid, said panelists at ......


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