Scale Your Product In The USA With Upward Labs

By Team Brand Solutions

  • 27 Nov 2018

All startups in their initial phase, face the same problem of lack of 360 degree approach and professional guidance. Thus, creating a need for a lot of facilitators and accelerators who help to bridge this gap. 

Global accelerators are fueling entrepreneurs and startups with supportive ecosystems and plenty of fresh funding.  These programs provide mentorship and capital in return for equity. This is put in place to help a start-up grow over a three to four-month period.

Upward Labs is a progressive, innovation facility, based in Hartford CT, designed to incubate the most game-changing ideas that move high-demand industries into a new paradigm. 

In 2019, Upward is giving startups the opportunity to apply their technology to the Smart Building and Aged Care sectors in partnership with category leaders, through world-class pilot programs. Startups will gain access to some of the world’s brightest and most curious minds through thoughtfully-selected key advisors committed to guiding entrepreneurs on their pilot journey.

Every 6 months, Upward will select up to 10 startups to participate in this hands-on, intensive program designed to prepare entrepreneurs for real-world applications by working with well-known commercial, residential and senior care program partners as well as CT Based Fortune 500 companies.

Upward has shown tremendous support in two key sectors i.e. Aged Care and Smart Buildings.

Aged care lab

The world is facing an aging population, who are opting to stay within the comforts of their home as they age, an entire industry of home health-care has exploded along with demand to make assisted-living communities more upscale. The entire industry is adopting a “value care” mindset.

Upward has committed one of its Labs to the Aged Care industry incubating innovations that facilitate the societal shift towards “value care” through nursing home, assisted-living and home health-care services. From lifestyle to medical devices, safety and mobility, Upward is opening up its Labs to those who can contribute to the comfort of Aged Care living in partnership with category leaders: Priority Life Care and Horizon Home Care Services.

Startups will have the opportunity to elevate the standard of Aged Care living by piloting their innovation across 100 assisted-living units and 100 home health-care homes. Some of our corporate partners in this lab are: Cigna, Aetna, Hartford Hospital, Stanley Healthcare, Lincoln Financial and Nassau Re.

Smart building lab

Smart Building is one of the most emerging sectors today. With growing environmental concerns and demand from the society, this industry is becoming lucrative with dozens of startups coming up with new age technology and innovative ideas.

Upward’s Smart Building Lab will explore everything from safety and security technology to maximizing fluidity and navigation for ease and productivity. 

Innovations in this category are selected on their potential to transform the future of real estate through pilot-testing in 2 class-A commercial office buildings and 2 luxury residential buildings. 

New technologies should support environmental and economical efficiencies through data collection, interpretation and re-integration, while advancing real estate across both residential and commercial buildings.

Every startup that qualifies for an Upward Lab pilot program will be additionally supported through an inclusive, Live, Work, Play lifestyle that includes workspace, luxury co-living services and a social programming calendar that seamlessly integrates out-of-towners into the vibrant Hartford community.  

Getting into some of these programs is very difficult as acceptance rate can be as low as 1.5%. In such case, for every 7,000 applications there will be only 106 spots available. For more information, or to apply, visit and be part of this amazing opportunity.

Application due by December 25th 2018. The first cohort will start on March 2019.

Brand Solutions is a marketing initiative for sponsored posts. No VCCircle journalist was involved in the creation of this content.