Meet experts, investors and advisors at VCCircle Education Investment Summit 2015


  • 20 Oct 2015

When it comes to education, the country is broadly divided into two segments. At one end, there is an urban group with a concentration of educational institutes across primary, secondary and higher education. Besides, there are a clutch of services, such as formal coaching classes, test preparations and distance learning initiatives in addition to availability of edtech, be it digital content, online tutors, assessment tools & more. It is mostly private and for-profit. Then there is rural India where people struggle to access quality and affordable education. Working at this chronic issue are large corporate groups, trusts and multi-lateral agencies, all working hard to track, deliver and improve the quality of education being delivered to the masses. It is a mix of private and public entities, all aiming to provide socially inclusive education.

While technology is starting to play a pivotal role in bridging the two segments, it is increasingly clear that the private sector will need to step up in both scenarios to help deliver quality education to ever larger number of Indians. With the rise of internet & the spurt in mobile usage, affordable and accessible quality education now seems ever more within India’s grasp.

The edtech space has been successful in capturing investor’s attention though problems still persist when it comes to scaling up these ventures. With experts predicting a bright future for the edtech segment, what needs to be done to bring edtech to the mainstream in the education sector? What policy reforms are required to enable private players to come into the formal education space and contribute proactively to the goal of universal and quality education? What are the models for collaboration? How important is skill development & utilitarian education in the changing economic scenario of India. Lastly, can quality be ensured alongside universality? 

Against this backdrop, VCCircle announces the 6th edition of VCCircle Education Investment Summit, on November 26 at The Westin, Gurgaon. The summit will bring together a diverse but carefully curated group of about 250+ key stakeholders: sector experts, those working on social agenda for education, Edupreneurs looking to disrupt delivery of education through technology, leading entrepreneurs, marquee investors as well as industry consultants & advisors under one roof to not only discuss their experiences & nuances involved, but also predict the future trends.

Here are the key topics which are going to be covered during the course of the summit.

Breaking the policy logjam: Developing a conducive policy framework 

  • Completing the jigsaw: Integrating formal and informal education
  • Primary education: Tracking quality v/s accessibility
  • Unlocking potential of K 12 education in India: Enhancing quality & Infrastructure
  • Higher education—What needs to change
  • Vocational education: Skilling India’s human capital
  • Growth of utility-based education
  • EdTech: Transforming the way India learns
  • Some of the edtech segments spotlighted include

    - Learning & assessment

    - Online tutoring

    - Digital content

    - Test preparation

    - Management tools for education

EdTech: If you fund it, will it scale?

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