Kris Gopalakrishnan's family office, former Catamaran exec's firm bet on SaaS firm

Kris Gopalakrishnan's family office, former Catamaran exec's firm bet on SaaS firm

By Aman Rawat

  • 02 Jul 2024
Kris Gopalakrishnan's family office, former Catamaran exec's firm bet on SaaS firm
Kris Gopalakrishnan

Pratithi Investments, the family investment office of Infosys Co-Founder Kris Gopalakrishnan, and former Catamaran executive Lakshminarayanan KG’s investment firm Tunga Investments have made a bet on a listed software company that offers solutions for regulatory compliance, risk management, and reporting.   Pratithi Investments and Tunga Investments have made fresh investments in Mumbai-headquartered IRIS Business ......

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