A91 Partners-backed logistics SaaS firm Shipsy buys Stockone

A91 Partners-backed logistics SaaS firm Shipsy buys Stockone

By Malvika Maloo

  • 26 Oct 2023
A91 Partners-backed logistics SaaS firm Shipsy buys Stockone
Soham Chokshi, co-founder and CEO, Shipsy

A91 Partners-backed Shipsy, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) logistics platform, has bought Bengaluru-based startup Stockone in a cash-and-stock deal, a top executive told VCCircle.   The acquisition helps the company expand its product portfolio to offer a set of comprehensive solutions to its customers, Soham Chokshi, CEO and co-founder at Shipsy, told VCCircle.   Choksi did not ......

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